Buttermilk vs. Lassi: Which summertime dahi-based beverage is better for you

Our bodies are more thirsty than ever as the sweltering summer heat gets closer. When it comes to traditional Indian drinks, two that are famous for beating the heat that are based on dahi are buttermilk and lassi. Even though they are both made from yogurt, they are different and have advantages for your health. Including these traditional dahi-based beverages in your diet can benefit your general health and well-being in addition to helping you stay cool. But in the heat, which is more advantageous? To discover out, let’s compare these two classic summertime savers in more detail.

Buttermilk: The Refreshing Concoction
In Hindi, “chaas” (buttermilk) is a tangy, pleasant drink prepared from yogurt thinned with water and spiced with cumin, salt, and mint. It is loved for its cooling qualities and digestive advantages, which make it a summertime mainstay in Indian homes.

Hydration: Buttermilk helps restore fluids lost via perspiration due to its high water content and electrolytes. This keeps you hydrated and helps avoid dehydration on hot days.

Digestive assist: Buttermilk’s probiotics help to maintain a healthy balance of gut flora and assist in digestion, both of which are important for gut health. It’s often used after meals to help with digestion and relieve gastrointestinal problems including indigestion and bloating.

Cooling Effect: The inherent cooling qualities of buttermilk’s constituents, such as cumin and mint, are responsible for this effect. It offers comfort from the oppressive heat and lowers body temperature.

Lassi: The Rich, Creamy Treat
Lassi is a creamy drink made with yogurt that is available in a variety of flavors, from sweet to savory. It is prepared by mixing yogurt with water, adding flavorings such as fruits, spices, or herbs, and then adding sugar or salt. Lassi has several health advantages in addition to being tasty.

Rich in Nutrients: Lassi is a nutritious beverage option since it is loaded with vital nutrients including calcium, protein, vitamins, and probiotics. Its nutritional profile is improved by the inclusion of fruits or nuts, which provide extra vitamins and minerals.
Energy Booster: Lashingsi’s immediate energy boost comes from its carbs, which makes it a great drink to have during hot summer days or after exercise.
Digestive Health: Lacsi, like buttermilk, has probiotics that help with digestion and support gut health. It may aid in reducing pain in the digestive system and enhancing digestion in general.

Which Is Better for You?
The decision between buttermilk and lassi is based on personal taste and health objectives. Buttermilk is the way to go if you’re searching for a light, pleasant beverage with great hydrating and digesting qualities. It’s a popular option for satisfying thirst and relaxing the stomach because of its simplicity and acidic flavor.

But if you’d rather have a rich, creamy drink that’s full of nutrients and energy, lassi is a great choice. You’ll like the rich flavor and health-promoting qualities of lassi whether you choose the savory kind with spices or the sweet one with fruits.

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