This Deserted Town in Turkey Has Structures and Castles That Look Like Disneyland

Numerous unusual and peculiar locations have been abandoned by individuals all around the globe. These locations are in ruins and show no signs of human habitation. Recently, social media users have started sharing images of an abandoned village that resembles something from a Disney film. The settlement, known as Burj Al Babas, is situated in Bolu, Turkey’s northwest. The community required a staggering £160 million to build across 250 acres. However, the village was quickly abandoned when the building business closed down after the project due to significant financial losses.

The development company had planned to incorporate a retail center, a waterpark with slides and streams, indoor pools, spas, and saunas when work on Burj Al Babas began in 2014. The town would have been in a stunning position, with roofs reminiscent of fairytales and balconies overlooking the sea, if it had been completely constructed. At first, the firm didn’t even finish 60% of the building before going bankrupt.

After the project’s first phase was finished, they intended to sell the opulent residences for a price tag of between £275,574 and £394,741. Additionally, the corporation had projected that the project would be finished in four years. However, the project’s revenues began to decline in 2018, and the complex’s developers were declared bankrupt before it was finished. It was discovered that 530 half constructed homes remained in the community.

In an interview with Hurriyet Daily News in 2018, Sarot Properties Group chairman Mehmet Emin Yerdelen said that the project’s failure stemmed from individuals’ reluctance to pay the remaining balance after making the first payment. He said, “We were unable to obtain receivables for the villas we sold to Gulf countries totaling approximately £5,585,662.”

The stunning homes in Burj Al Babas remain deserted, as does the town itself. Locals and a few tourists that stroll around the region to take in the abandoned site are the sole visitors.

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