In India, 80% of glaucoma cases go undiagnosed, according to experts

According to specialists here on Wednesday, glaucoma, the third most prevalent cause of blindness, is diagnosed, with a staggering 80% of cases going undiagnosed in India.

One condition that affects the optic nerve is glaucoma. In order to raise awareness of the condition, January is designated as National Glaucoma Awareness Month.

The “sneak thief of sigh” moniker refers to glaucoma’s lack of early signs. In addition, it is the primary cause of permanent blindness, impacting over 80 million individuals globally.

“A series of disorders known as glaucoma cause damage to the optic nerve, which eventually results in visual loss. Regular eye exams are essential for early diagnosis since it usually shows no signs in its early stages, according to Ikeda Lal, Senior Cornea, Cataract, and Refractory Surgery Specialist at Delhi Eye Centre and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, who spoke with IANS.

According to Lal, symptoms of the illness might include decreased peripheral (side) vision, halos surrounding lights, impaired vision, and trouble adapting to low light. A small percentage of people may even have headaches and eye problems.

“If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to see an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam,” the doctor said.

In India, 11.2 million adults over 40 suffer from glaucoma, although only 20% of them are aware they have the condition. It’s because there are no signs at first of the sickness.

Experts say that although glaucoma mostly affects the middle-aged and elderly, it may afflict persons of any age.

“Damage to the optic nerve, which transmits pictures from the eye to the brain, results in vision loss in glaucoma. According to Rohit Saxena of the R P Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences at AIIMS in New Delhi, “vision loss or impairment may be associated with decreased quality of life and decreased ability to perform activities of daily living, including loss of independence, restricted mobility, depression, and anxiety,” as reported by IANS.

He went on to say that as people age, glaucoma becomes increasingly prevalent. Genetics and family history are factors; those who have glaucoma-affected relatives are more vulnerable.

Elevated ocular pressure, certain medical diseases including diabetes, hypertension, and continuous use of steroids, particularly without frequent monitoring, are other variables that contribute to glaucoma.

Although there isn’t a 100% cure for glaucoma, treating it as soon as it’s discovered will help stop additional vision loss.

“Other treatment options include laser therapy, oral drugs, eye drops to reduce intraocular pressure, and in extreme circumstances, surgery. Patients may prevent glaucoma and maintain excellent vision for the rest of their lives with early identification and treatment compliance. Thus, there’s no need to be afraid about this illness,” Lal said.

Adults over 40 years old who have a family history of glaucoma should have a complete eye checkup annually that includes retinal and optic nerve examinations. According to the experts, patients will need long-term care and monitoring if and when it is discovered.

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