Oatzempic: What is it? What makes it popular right now?

Our amazement with social media never ceases. It becomes essential to carefully examine everything that gets popular on social media every time. Young people follow trends mindlessly, especially when they are related to health or make grandiose promises like “eating this food will reduce your weight by 30 kg” or “drinking this will help you lose 15 kg in a week.”
“Oatzempic” is one such fad that is now popular.

What is oatzempic, exactly? Is Ozempic involved in this?
Oatmempic is an oat-based beverage. It was aptly named to capitalize on Ozempic’s rising appeal.

A beverage called Oatzempic is created from oats, water, and lime juice. Trend setters on social media assert that doing this may aid in losing 20 kg in only two months.
Thoughts on the healthfulness of oatmeal drinks?
Oats are regarded as healthful since they contain a significant quantity of dietary fiber. However, medical professionals caution that oats are not the only option for losing weight.
Prescription medications and blended oat drinks are not the same thing. Additionally, it doesn’t appear to be a scientifically supported or nutritionally sound trend that encourages disordered eating, according to registered dietitian and nutrition editor Lisa Valente, who spoke with CBS News on the subject.
Instead, include oats in your diet in addition to other wholesome foods. Choose whole oats, such as steel-cut or rolled oats, over instant ones since they are higher in nutrients and fiber and will make you feel full for longer. Pay attention to portion sizes to prevent consuming too many calories. Start with a small portion size, such as ½ to ¾ cup of cooked oats, and increase or decrease it as necessary according to your degree of hunger and energy. Add protein sources to your oatmeal, such as Greek yogurt, almonds, seeds, or a scoop of protein powder, to increase its satiety. Top your oatmeal with nutrient-dense ingredients like sliced almonds, chia seeds, fresh fruit, or berries to give it taste and texture, as well as extra vitamins and minerals. Sweeten your oats naturally with fruit or a modest bit of natural sweetener like stevia or maple syrup instead of using excessive sweets like sugar or honey.

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