Running errors that deteriorate your joints

Five errors that cause joint pain
One of the most important exercises for achieving both physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle is running. Because of its simplicity of use and accessibility, it’s a tempting alternative for many individuals attempting to improve their physical fitness. Although there are numerous benefits to running, there are hazards as well. Running ailments such as runner’s knee, stress fractures, and ankle sprains may result from improper running technique.

Back discomfort and muscular imbalances might also result from it.
It may surprise you to hear that many runners inadvertently perform activities that increase their likelihood of experiencing joint discomfort. You can remain running pain-free and safeguard your joints by avoiding these five common errors.

Overstriding: Lengthening your stride too much, especially when it comes to your knees, might put more impact strain on your joints. This persistent tension may eventually aggravate arthritis and degrade joints. When running, stick to a shorter, more natural stride to reduce this danger.

Ignoring Pain: “A common mistake among running enthusiasts is pushing through discomfort,” says Dr. Hemant Sharma, Chairman of the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement at Marengo Asia Hospital, Gurugram. Although it’s important to push yourself, neglecting persistent joint discomfort might make it worse. When you feel pain during or after a run, pay attention to your body and get help from a doctor.”
Ignoring Warm-Up and Cool-Down activities: Ignoring correct warm-up and cool-down activities might raise the risk of joint injury. Dynamic stretches and mobility exercises before a run prepare muscles and joints for action, while stretches for flexibility and recuperation after a run help reduce joint tension.

Bad Running Form: Running with bad form increases the chance of injury and puts extra pressure on joints. It is important to fix common technique errors, including overpronation, hunching over, and heel striking. By evaluating and improving your running technique, you may lessen the pressure on your joints by speaking with a physiotherapist or running coach.

Inappropriate Footwear: Because they don’t absorb enough impact, poorly fitted or unsupportive shoes may exacerbate joint pain. Shoes with a flat sole that resemble walking barefoot may encourage a more natural stride and foot posture. To avoid such injuries, nevertheless, switching to minimalist running or zero-drop shoes should be done gradually.

“It is excellent to include tempo runs in your training plan once a week to improve your overall running performance. In order to increase your body’s efficiency in processing lactate and enable you to run longer and faster, tempo running involves maintaining a pleasantly challenging effort that is slightly quicker than your lactate threshold, according to Dr. Sharma.

Using these techniques and being aware of your body’s signals can help you turn running into an accomplishment and a mindful exercise experience. While running should be joyful, chronic discomfort should be evaluated by a medical practitioner for individualized treatment.

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