Tips for maximizing the health benefits offered by your employer to employees

It is common knowledge that providing comprehensive health benefits to employees boosts morale and engagement, lowers absenteeism, and increases productivity. However, according to a recent survey, 83% of Indians are unaware of the healthcare benefits that their employer offers. This information gap is quite concerning since it may result in underinsured workers who do not take full use of their healthcare coverage.

Yogesh Agarwal, the founder and CEO of Onsurity, said in an interview with HT Lifestyle that “both employers and employees must take up a few proactive steps to bridge this gap.” Companies should make sure that employee education sessions and frequent communication regarding the advantages contained in their healthcare plan take place in the workplace. Select the most efficient way for disseminating this kind of information inside the company. This will support staff members in making defensible judgments right away. Workers shouldn’t see healthcare as a one-time perk that they should only enjoy while filing claims. The majority of businesses nowadays provide a wide range of advantages that may be used for a variety of services, including online prescription ordering, fitness, dental care, health examinations, and mental health, among others. Employees may keep informed by regularly checking their healthcare benefits via the provider’s website or mobile app, as well as by being proactive in identifying and addressing any particular healthcare requirements via their healthcare plan.

“Most employees are unaware that multiple health insurance policies can be used for a single claim,” he said. This implies that they may decide to make a claim using the insurance provided by their employer and guarantee that it won’t affect the No-claim Bonus on their particular plan. Employees may maximize their insurance benefits by taking the time to learn about the coverage and limitations of their healthcare plan. They may save a lot of money by using this proactive strategy in addition to keeping them current.

Specialist psychiatrist Dr. Shaju George said, “There is a significant positive impact on the mental health of employees whose organizations provide access to healthcare.” Since their health demands are being satisfied, employees are more relaxed and tranquil. Employee well-being is impacted by mental health, which is automatically impacted when physical health is neglected or completely lost, resulting in stress, worry, and mood swings. Employee well-being encompasses more than just financial advantages; it also involves the corporate culture, ancillary perks, and the organization’s ability to assist its members in times of need.

“Healthcare is an essential component of an individual’s life, and when an organization provides for these needs, motivation, retention, and overall performance increase significantly,” he said. Thus, these elements support worker well-being. Because they are not stressed out about taking care of their own and their families’ health, you will notice that workers are more committed to their work rather than seeing it as a box to be checked off on a list. Businesses that provide healthcare benefits to their employees, such as insurance, access to healthcare, and medical facilities, see increases in productivity and ultimately success.




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