World Sleep Day 2024: Learn the effects sleep deprivation may have on expectant mothers

Most pregnant women experience sleep difficulties. A little over 79% of expectant mothers have sleep issues. Risks include the possibility of gestational diabetes, hypertension, seizures, early delivery, and protracted labour. Hormonal changes, anxiety, acid reflux, increased bladder activity, snoring, sleep apnea, leg cramps, back discomfort, increased baby movements, and the growing abdomen are some of the variables that cause these disruptions.

In addition to all of this, worry and stress might hinder your ability to fall asleep. Postpartum depression may also worsen if you don’t get enough sleep. Untreated sleep disruptions during pregnancy may raise the likelihood of persistent sleep issues even after delivery and have long-term repercussions on the health of the mother. Dr. Rajeev Agarwal, the medical director of Renew Healthcare and an expert in infertility, offers advice on how to deal with sleep difficulties during pregnancy on this World Sleep Day.

The following advice may help with sleep issues during pregnancy:
Regular sleep schedule: Maintaining a regular sleep-wake schedule, especially on weekends, enables you to better control your body’s natural circadian rhythm.

Bed for sleeping only: Refrain from doing tasks like watching TV or using your laptop in bed. Your body will learn to link bed with sleep as a result.

Chocolate and coffee should be avoided since they contain stimulants that may disrupt sleep, particularly in the late hours of the day.

Control your anxiety. Often, anxiety is the root cause of sleep issues. Exercise and other relaxation methods, such as meditation, may help lower anxiety and improve sleep.

Easing tension and fostering relaxation, warm baths or massages may be wonderful ways to decompress before bed.

Limit screen time: Melatonin, a hormone that aids in sleep regulation, may be suppressed by the blue light that electronic gadgets generate. Put screens away at least one hour before going to bed.

Recall the importance of sleep throughout pregnancy. For further guidance or supplements, speak with your obstetrician if these suggestions are ineffective.

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