An event called “Exploring India’s Future” is being held in London by FISI UK

London, UK, 10 May: “Exploring India’s Future: Policy Perspectives on Indic Refugees Post-CAA” was the title of an event held in the UK Parliament by Friends of India Society International-UK (FISI-UK).

Virendra Sharma, Lord Rami Ranger, MPs Bob Blackman, Theresa Villiers, and Virendra Sharma were among the guests at the May 8 event in London.

The lawmakers emphasized the value of religious tolerance and freedom, especially in nations like Pakistan, according to a news release. They emphasized that it is a basic human right for each and every person to be able to freely and peacefully practice their chosen faith.

“Kiran Chukkapalli, the creator of the Think Peace and Refugee Aid Project, gave the keynote address at the function. His organization, Refugee Aid, works to raise awareness of the difficult trip that Hindus who are persecuted in Pakistan undergo, as well as the difficulties they face as silent refugees in India. These people now want to find dignity in India, despite having fled a life of terror, humiliation, and violence in their own country, according to the statement.

Chukkapalli told moving tales of young girls who are kidnapped, forced to convert, and forbidden from speaking to their family during his lecture.

He emphasized the complete helplessness of these people and their families as a result of Pakistan’s official apparatus, even its highest court, failing to protect them. He emphasized the gravity of the problem by pointing out that up to 350 girls disappear in Pakistan’s Sindh region. Many of them arrive in India weighing as little as forty pounds, traveling there with such obvious intolerance and abuse of human rights.

“Recognizing the dire circumstances faced by these refugees, his organisation is actively developing a comprehensive policy to address the specific needs of Hindu and Sikh refugees fleeing persecution,” said the announcement.

The gathering drew a wide spectrum of the Indian diaspora, including journalists, leaders of different community organizations, and council members. It enthralled and inspired the crowd.

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