North Korea launches a possible missile test

The South Korean military reported that North Korea launched suspected short-range ballistic missiles off its east coast on Friday. The North sees this as a serious security threat. The previous day, South Korea and the US conducted a joint practice in which the North flew formidable fighter planes.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea said that the weaponry fired from the Wonsan area of the North’s east coast traveled about 300 kilometers (185 miles) before splashing down in the seas between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Yoshimasa Hayashi, the chief cabinet secretary of Japan, said that a North Korean missile had touched down outside of Japan’s exclusive economic zone.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff of South Korea described the launches as “a clear provocation” that endangers the tranquility of the Korean Peninsula. According to the statement, South Korea will continue to be fully prepared to thwart any possible North Korean attack while working with the US military alliance.

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