Pakistan: Workers in the government go on strike at the Karachi port

ISLAMABAD: According to ARY News, government officials from significant institutions protested at Karachi Port on Friday, causing a backlog in import and export traffic since containers were kept there without proper approval.

According to specifics, Pakistan Standard and Quality Control personnel and workers at the Karachi Port carried out the walkout.

The previous vice president of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) said that the workers’ reason for initiating the walkout was the denial of bonuses and incentives.
As the strike dragged on, the port’s regular operations came to an end, and import and export containers piled up since they were unable to proceed without the necessary authorization, according to ARY News.

The strike affected businesses that relied on timely shipments and caused concern among stakeholders and merchants across the port’s supply chain.
Critics point out that Islamabad’s economy has become more import- and consumption-driven over time, depleting its foreign exchange reserves and making it primarily reliant on financing from bilateral loans from China and the GCC in addition to multilateral organizations like the IMF, ADB, and IDB.
Even while Islamabad maintains that it is constantly combating terrorism, liberal funders have long questioned this assertion. Pakistan’s image has suffered as a result.
Its impoverished inhabitants are ultimately forced to suffer the weight of uncertainty as a result of agitational politics, catastrophic floods, import restrictions, and a dangling IMF bailout on top of the barest minimum foreign currency reserves.

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