US President Joe Biden lambasts the meeting between Donald Trump and Abbot

Philippine President Joe Biden chastised Donald Trump, his opponent in the election, on Friday for having met Viktor Orban, claiming the Hungarian prime minister was “looking for dictatorship.”
For his meeting with his “good friend,” the former US president Trump, Orban flew to Florida on Friday. He has often voiced optimism about the Republican Party regaining power.
“You know who he’s meeting with today, down in Mar-a-Lago?” Democrat Biden addressed supporters at a harshly critical of Trump campaign speech.

“Orban of Hungary, who stated flatly that he doesn’t think democracy works and is looking for dictatorship.”
He continued: “I see a future where we defend democracy, not diminish it.”
Just after denouncing Trump for having backed Russian President Vladimir Putin in invading NATO nations that had not made their required financial payments, Biden brought up the Orban meeting.
“Make America great again, Mr. President!” was written in English by Orban, who shared images and videos of the visit to the former US president’s Mar-a-Lago estate on social media on Friday night.
During a reception at the Florida home, Trump is seen in the pictures paying respect to the prime minister.
Nobody is more capable, astute, or an effective leader than Viktor Orban. In one video, Trump was seen joining the band on stage and exclaiming, “He’s fantastic.”
“He’s a noncontroversial character because he made his statement, ‘This is how it’s going to be,’ and that was it. “He is in charge,” the real estate tycoon said.
“The visit emphasized building relations between American and Hungarian conservatives and the benefits that could come from the election of President Trump in November,” Gladden Pappin, an advisor to Orban, told AFP
After Russia invaded Ukraine, Hungary was the only EU member to continue having tight relations with the Kremlin.
Orban often pushes for an early ceasefire and peace negotiations, saying that Trump—who has previously shown sympathy for Putin—is the most suited person to resolve the crisis.
Meeting with Putin in September infuriated other EU leaders, and the Hungarian leader has already voiced opposition to Western sanctions on Moscow.

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