Expert-Suggested Strategies for Children’s Better Sleep

A child’s general health and wellbeing depend on obtaining adequate sleep. A healthy sleep schedule promotes mental, emotional, and physical growth. Kids who get enough sleep are better able to concentrate, stay awake, and pick up new skills. Furthermore, obtaining enough sleep strengthens their immune systems, assisting them in fending off diseases. Creating a comfortable resting environment and following a regular bedtime routine may help youngsters develop better sleep habits.

Better sleep may also be achieved by limiting screen time before bed and encouraging relaxing techniques. By creating the ideal environment for their children’s growth and development throughout childhood, parents who value their children’s sleep also help their children achieve.

Dr. Abhimanyu Sengupta, a senior consultant pediatrician at Ankura Hospital for Women and Children in Pune, spoke with Jagran English about important strategies to improve children’s sleep.

Kids need to get a good night’s sleep in order to enhance their general health and wellbeing. The following are some strategies to aid in your kids’ sound sleep:

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Why Is Sleep So Vital For Children?
The general growth and wellbeing of children depend heavily on getting enough sleep. The body goes through vital functions, including memory consolidation, tissue repair, and development, while we sleep. Getting enough sleep is also essential for controlling the hormones that are required for both cognitive and physical development. Compared to children who are sleep deprived, children who regularly receive enough good sleep often do better academically, have longer attention spans, and can control their emotions. Children who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have behavioral disorders, obesity, and compromised immune systems, among other health concerns.

Sleep influences eating habits and metabolism by balancing hunger hormones. For a child’s brain to absorb information and create new connections that are essential for learning and problem-solving abilities, they must get enough sleep. Promoting sound sleeping practices in children at a young age may help them develop lifelong physical and mental health.

How Would You Go About Doing This?
A regular bedtime routine is essential to promoting healthier sleep in children.

Adhere to These Crucial Steps:
Make their bedroom a tranquil and soothing space that is devoid of distractions like electronics.

If you want to help kids relax before bed, try including things like reading.

In order to enhance general sleep habits and aid your child’s sleep-wake cycle, encourage them to be active throughout the day.

Make sure your youngster goes to bed at the same time every night—before 10:00 p.m.

Create a peaceful, calm, and cold sleeping atmosphere in your bedroom by making sure there are no distractions.

Reduce your exposure to strong light at night to improve your sleep.

Aim to avoid large meals and strenuous activity just before bed since they might interfere with sleep.

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use of electronics before bed should be minimized.

Steer clear of stimulants like chocolate and drinks if you want better sleep.

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