Five bhog delicacies to present to Lord Hanuman, from Modak to Laddu

In Hindu tradition, Hanuman Jayanti, the auspicious festival of Lord Hanuman’s birth, is very important. Across the globe, devotees celebrate this day with great zeal and devotion, asking for blessings in the form of fortitude, bravery, and protection. A fundamental element of this festival is presenting Lord Hanuman with bhog, or food offerings, as a sign of respect and appreciation.

Let us consider Lord Hanuman’s unshakable devotion, selflessness, and indomitable spirit as we commemorate his heavenly attributes on this auspicious day. These attributes continue to inspire millions of people worldwide. These are five customary bhog offerings that worshippers might present on Hanuman Jayanti (2024).

Modak Modak is a sweet dumpling that is used in Hindu festivals and ceremonies. This delicious confection is often presented to Lord Hanuman as a token of love and devotion. Modaks, which are made from rice flour or wheat flour and filled with nuts, coconut, and jaggery, represent the sweetness of devotion offered by followers to the all-powerful god.

Laddu Laddu is a spherical confection prepared with wheat, sugar, and ghee that is one of Lord Hanuman’s favorite offerings. It stands for wealth and contentment. Offering laddus to Hanuman on his auspicious day is thought by devotees to bestow blessings for prosperity and the accomplishment of goals.

In several depictions, Lord Hanuman is shown clutching a ripe, yellow banana in one hand and a mace (gada) in the other. Giving bananas to Hanuman is a mark of simplicity, humility, and devotion. This little fruit is said to appease Hanuman and call out his blessings for courage and protection.

Boondi Ladoo
Small, spherical sweet balls called boondi ladoo—made with gram flour, sugar, and ghee—are often offered to Lord Hanuman and other Hindu deities. These mouthwatering delicacies represent the sweetness of love and desires coming true. It is said that boondi ladoo offered to Hanuman would bring happiness, wealth, and spiritual elevation.

Tulsi Herbs
In Hinduism, holy basil, or tulsi, is revered and has great importance. Giving Lord Hanuman some fresh tulsi leaves is a simple yet effective method to show your devotion and ask for his blessings. Tulsi leaves are provided with other bhog items as a sign of regard and respect since they are said to cleanse the body, mind, and soul.

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