How to overcome obstacles in life and achieve inner peace

There will be difficulties in life. We have to realize that everything that goes wrong in our lives is a result of our past deeds. We will harvest what we sow. We get what we give. Right for wrong and wrong for right. As a result, we must learn to be happy throughout difficult times since our Karma is being reversed. We won’t suffer, however, if we take it a step further and acknowledge that life is really a drama—a Leela.

We’ll come to understand that life is an illusion, a performance, and that we are only players in it.
Life’s obstacles may be overcome with the aid of spirituality. “Who am I and why am I here?” is a realization that spirituality aids in. Understanding that we are not our body, mind, or ego facing these difficulties is made easier by spirituality. The body will encounter physical difficulties. The challenges of suffering, fear, anxiety, worry, tension, regret, humiliation, guilt, and despair will be faced by the mind. The challenges of pride, greed, rage, hatred, and selfishness await the ego. We must embrace spirituality, the science of the spirit, if we are to triumph over pain, mental despair, and ego aggressiveness.
In what ways can spirituality aid in our realization of “who am I and why am I here”? Being spiritual frees us from ignorance. Unknowledge causes us to suffer. We may achieve inner peace with the aid of spirituality’s framework and instruments. Actually, inner serenity already exists. We don’t need to search for peace. All we need to do is calm our minds. Even though a lake is quiet, the ripples caused by dropping stones in it break up the serenity. Similarly, the mind’s poisonous ideas destroy the divine self’s serenity and calm, which is nothing more than the all-pervading power that takes the form of the soul, the spark of unique life.
Controlling one’s thoughts is thus crucial. Through this little narrative, we can observe how the mind tricks us: A guy rode off on his saddle. He was asked where he was headed by someone. “Ask the horse,” the man said. The mind operates in this way. Our lives are ridden by our minds. We are at a loss when it comes to command!

Spirituality challenges the mind’s existence. The mind is where? It searches for the mind just to make us aware that it is nowhere to be found. Thus, as the Divine Soul, we transcend the intellect and go on our journey. The soul is limitless, without origin or end, and without birth. There are no difficulties for the soul. We are given breath till the day of our death by this eternal force.
What is the primary spiritual instrument that may support us during difficult times? What prevents us from being free is quiet, serenity, and transcending the mind, ego, and ME. Being who we are supposed to be is aided by it. Realizing that we are the Divine Soul is our ultimate aim.
Finding tranquility is our aim, even if there can be obstacles. Think of an ocean storm as an analogy. The ocean’s surface is rife with hostility and loud noises. However, as soon as we enter and descend under the water’s surface, quiet, absolute calm, and serenity reign. Life is the same way. There is extreme trauma for the body, mind, and ego on the outside, yet calm and tranquility await us when we turn within and go on an inner journey.
This is the main goal of spirituality. It involves embarking on a quest or voyage inside. It involves spending time in silence in order to transition from the mental to the conscious states and from the negative to the positive. A toxic, poisonous state of mind is negativity. And consciousness, with its good energy, is powerful. The intellect is active in this conscious state. To overcome the hardships of this world and have a peaceful, quiet existence, we must practice spirituality.
Peace will be absent as long as our minds force us to grind. We will constantly weep as long as the ego claims “I.” However, we shall recognize our own identity—that is, the Divine Soul—if the ego is enlightened and we come to terms with the fact that “I am not I,” the mind that we cannot locate, there is no mind. This is the spiritual instrument that leads us to the state of Satchitananda, which is true consciousness and the state of endless happiness. And in actuality, consciousness is nothing more than alertness, attention, and carelessness. Spirituality is what connects everything. Going on a journey, spending time in quiet, and accepting the assistance and direction of an enlightened master are the methods and tools.

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