In summary: How communication brevity improves clarity, efficiency, and spiritual quotient

William Shakespeare once observed, “Wisdom is the soul of brevity.” The renowned dramatist made a point of being succinctly explicit. His lack of awareness of the need of conciseness in interpersonal communication was evident.


People who are ‘persons of few words’ are often seen in society. When speaking or writing, they communicate in a succinct and direct manner. Additionally, they communicate rather well. People give them greater attention and take their words more seriously.

The mere fact that someone speaks succinctly indicates that he understands exactly what he wants to say. It indicates that he is well-intentioned as well and wants to deliver his message in a direct, matter-of-fact way. It also implies that he respects other people’s and his own time. A succinct speaker comes off as more polished and businesslike. Instead of misleading or confusing the other person, he wants to tell them the truth.

There are numerous methods and processes in the current corporate world that rely too much on words in communication. This corporate culture is typified by the pushy salesperson, the bitterly argumentative attorney, and the opulent and conceited CEO. Politicians and religious leaders are likewise known for their lavish use of language and lofty rhetoric outside of the economic sector. Spiritual practice emphasizes being silent and expressing oneself with minimal words. It’s lovely to be concise. It communicates and is understood more effectively.

When we discuss fundamental truths and search the texts for them, we come across succinct and cryptic songs. Divine truths are presented in elegant one- or two-liners. That’s how fundamental ideas are articulated. The Vedic hymns, which are part of the ancient writings, are the greatest illustrations of this. Divine truths are straightforward and need little language to convey. Falsehoods and half-truths may be intricate and result in lengthy compositions.

A person who is straightforward will say less. A morally pure person’s deeds speak louder than words when describing their character. There are moments when words cannot express the beauty of stillness.

For the reasons listed above, we must practice being succinct in our communications. Being succinct has an additional benefit. We put forth less effort and time. Time is money, and the ability to work well is energy. Even when considering just the tangible benefits, brevity is advantageous.

As previously said, using succinct language and phrases reduces mental and physical strain. It preserves your life force, which is then used for your spiritual and intellectual development. Being succinct demonstrates attention and concentration, two crucial components of methodical effort that produces results. Writing and speaking concisely demonstrates your sincerity and ability to communicate what you intend. It suggests that you will demand greater respect since you are more considerate of other people.

You will most certainly be a person of few words if you believe in higher spiritual forces and are motivated by a strong sense of justice and honesty. Your few remarks will have more impact and potency. You’ll leave a strong, long-lasting impact on others.

It’s been claimed that “empty vessels make much noise” while “barking dogs seldom bite.” These proverbs attest to the value of succinct communication. These days, a lot of individuals have a tendency to hide the truth in order to pursue their evil and wicked goals. Short, snappy phrases have a lot more influence in legal discussions than long words and pages. An information blitzkrieg has been brought about by the widespread use of high-tech gadgets like computers, the internet, and mobile phones. This has made it harder to think and understand things clearly. An increasingly disoriented generation that is neither here nor there is being endangered by an abundance of detailed knowledge. It is neither based on the tried-and-true philosophy of the past nor is it firmly anchored in the dynamic present, which is changing quickly due to technological advancements. To make our knowledge concise and understandable, we must filter it.

There will be more attention and attentiveness if fewer words and phrases are used. Thus, being succinct will improve the effectiveness of your message. Finally, but just as importantly, being succinct will raise your spiritual quotient. The mark of the dignified, the decent, and the progressive is brevity. It is an attribute that must be actively developed in order to achieve success, development, advancement, and spiritual salvation.

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