Which is better for growing hair: garlic or onions

Onion and garlic are two common culinary ingredients that often take center stage when it comes to natural treatments for hair development. These strong components have long been recognized for their ability to support healthy hair and encourage development. Including these components in your hair care regimen might assist to promote new hair growth, strengthen hair follicles, and lessen hair loss. Which, however, is really better? Let’s decipher this and learn about the advantages of garlic and onions for hair development.

Onion for Hair Development
Sulfur is abundant in onions and is necessary for the synthesis of collagen. One protein that aids in hair follicle development is collagen. Onions also have quercetin, an antioxidant that aids in reducing inflammation and enhancing blood flow to the scalp. Hair follicles may be nourished and encouraged to develop hair by this increased blood flow.

Numerous research have shown that onion juice is a useful tool for hair development. Alopecia areata is a disorder that causes hair loss. A research published in the Journal of Dermatology reported that applying onion juice to the scalp twice a day for two months significantly increased the amount of hair that grew back.

Garlic to Promote Hair Growth
Garlic has a lot of sulfur-containing components that are similar to onions and may help with hair health. These substances support stronger hair follicles, lessen breakage, and improve circulation by stimulating the scalp. Allicin, a substance with antibacterial qualities found in garlic, may aid in the removal of bacteria and fungus that can lead to infections or dandruff on the scalp.

Compared to onions, garlic has been the subject of less study especially for hair development, although the potential advantages seem intriguing. According to some research, garlic extract may encourage the development of hair by enhancing blood flow to the scalp and lowering inflammation.

Which Is Superior?
The choice between onion and garlic for hair development essentially comes down to taste and how well you can tolerate their overpowering smells. Because both substances include sulfur, which helps to maintain and stimulate hair follicles, they have comparable health benefits. While some people may like garlic, others may find onion juice simpler to apply and tolerate.

It’s crucial to remember that persistence is critical and that natural therapies like onion and garlic may not show benefits right away. In order to prevent any negative responses, it’s also advised to do a patch test prior to applying onion or garlic juice to the scalp.

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