Beginning in Pragati Maidan, the toy fair will get full government support

The international expo, described as the industry’s biggest trade event in Asia, opened on Saturday at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi and features more than 250 Indian toy firms presenting their goods.

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) Secretary Rajesh Kumar Singh promised the industry full assistance at the fair’s opening.

According to Singh, the toy business is seeing steady expansion.

The 14th Toy Biz International B2B Expo 2023 will be the biggest trade show in South Asia, according to Manu Gupta, chairman of the Toy Association of India. Approximately 5,000 buyers and business representatives from at least 25 nations are anticipated to attend the show, he added.

“Indian toy manufacturers have a fantastic chance to present their goods and expertise to a worldwide audience. They may be able to extend their market reach, bring in new partners and clients as a result of this exposure, according to Gupta.

He also said that Toy Biz gives industry participants a venue to network and get in touch with one another, which may encourage partnerships, joint ventures, and collaborations.

The expo also offers a platform to drive innovation in the Indian toy industry by providing a forum for industry experts to discuss new trends, technologies, and best practices, said Gupta. This can result in new business opportunities and innovations as well as access to new markets and distribution channels, he added.

Naresh Kumar Gautam, CEO of Little Genius Toys, a producer of wooden toys, who is attending the expo, said that such occasions will help India establish itself as a major player in the global toy industry and draw investment and support from stakeholders across the globe.

“Three to four years ago, we used to ask people to participate in this expo, but now that the government has taken a number of steps to spur the growth of the Indian toy sector, people are waiting in line to attend the expo. Additionally, we have invited 250 individuals from abroad,” stated Gautam.

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