Classes 10 and 12’s CBSE Supplementary Exams begin today; check the rules

Beginning today, July 6, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will administer the supplemental practical test for grades 10th and 12th. Exams will continue till July 20.For the supplemental test, students must show up at the same site as the theoretical exam center.

Additionally, CBSE has instructed schools all across the nation to publish students’ practical exam results (on the primary site) on the day of the exam. The request for score modifications has been denied, according to the board.

Guidelines for the 2023 CBSE 10th and 12th Supplemental Exams

Candidates who failed to get 33% in the practical portion of the main test were placed in the compartment category and given the designation “Repeat in Practical” (RP). Due to the fact that the prior theoretical scores will be carried over, these students will just need to sit in the practical test. Students who were put in the compartment category because they “repeated in both theory and practical” shall take the extra test twice, once for theory and once for practical.

Along with a copy of their admission card, mark sheet, and result, students who choose to take the extra practical examinations must contact their schools and testing sites by July 6.

“Candidates who are placed in the Compartment Category and are also absent from the Internal Assessment will get pro-rata internal assessment scores based on the theoretical marks they received in the supplemental test. As Internal Assessment is a year-long process, no Internal Assessment would be undertaken for such applicants during the supplemental test, according to the official announcement.

The class 10th supplemental examinations will start on July 17 and end on July 22, according to the timetable. Although the class 12 supplemental test is scheduled on July 17. The test for both the tenth and twelveth grades will begin at 10:30 am and finish at 1:30 pm.




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