Congress Slams the Center Over Air India at the Odisha Train Accident Media Briefing

The Congress used Sunday’s disaster of the Coromandel Express railway in Odisha as a chance to criticize the federal government for selling state-owned Air India to Tata Sons. “Planes might have been dispatched as soon as possible to assist trapped passengers following the triple-train catastrophe in Balasore, Pawan Khera said.

The head of the Congress continued by stating that it is important to examine flight rates since it is “concerning if prices of air tickets are increasing on the affected routes.” After sharing inflated pricing on the road affected by the accident on Twitter, he made this comment.

A snapshot of the escalating prices for one-way tickets from Kolkata to Bengaluru was tweeted by a user. “However, airlines freely rob individuals in distress. After every such event, airfares soar, the social media user said.

Even after the civil aviation ministry instructed airlines to maintain track of ticket prices for flights to and from Bhubaneswar and other airports in Odisha, complaints have been made. The warning was issued after the catastrophe on the Odisha train.

The rules also indicated that no further fees will be charged for flight cancellations or reschedulings. Additionally, airlines have been requested to provide their full support in returning the bodies of those killed in the horrible disaster to their home countries.

The government’s “photo opportunity” and the BJP’s “strong belief in PR (public relations)” were criticized by Pawan Khera. Why were there so many cameras at the accident scene when PM Modi visited? Even his clothing was altered,” Khera said.




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