Gamblers find refuge at Jalandhar’s Company Bagh Park

Company Bagh Park, which is located inside the Municipal Corporation (MC) office grounds, has become a hive of gambling activity in a clear disrespect for public space.

Unchecked gambling operations persist in the park despite its close proximity to the MC Commissioner’s office and a police checkpoint, disturbing the peace of tourists and local neighbors.

The Jalandhar Tribune crew spent two days at the park after receiving concerns over the park’s state and excessive gaming. The group saw that the formerly peaceful public park now had the appearance of a fully functional gaming establishment.

Scattered across the park were groups of four or five people playing cards, stakes high, and refreshments close at hand.

Residents expressed their worries, appalled at the state of affairs. Living near the park, Kavita Joshi expressed her disappointment at the lack of action from the local government, emphasizing that gambling of any kind has no place in public areas.

Every evening, I used to take my five-year-old daughter to the park. For the last several months, I have not brought her here. The park’s state has greatly deteriorated, with rides that are damaged and fountains that don’t work. Furthermore, it is just intolerable that guys are constantly seen playing cards,” she said.

Another resident, Muskan Mehra, emphasized the negative effects on park accessibility, especially for families and young females who are now afraid to go because of the prevalent gambling culture.

To further compound the disappointment, it was discovered that the park’s single-entry point—which is well situated in front of the MC office—is not closely watched, making it easier for gamblers to enter without being checked. Residents claim that despite the fact that almost all MC authorities are aware of the problem, no significant steps have been done to resolve it.

Senior folks and daily wage workers, including taxi drivers from surrounding stands, are among the gamblers, according to an anonymous source within the MC. They congregate around the park throughout the day.

Sandeep Sharma, Joint Commissioner of Police, gave his word that the incident would be looked into and suitable action would be taken to bring peace back to Company Bagh Park.

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