Ladakh L-G instructs authorities to concentrate on roads in urgent need of repair

Today, a conference was conducted between the Lieutenant Governor (L-G) of Ladakh, Brigadier BD Mishra (Retd), and the Chairman of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council (LAHDC), Tashi Gyalson, in Leh, and Mohd Jaffer Akhoon, in Kargil. The conference covered a wide range of public welfare-related topics.

The release of funds under the Councillor Constituency Development Fund (CCDF) in the form of grand in-aid on the lines of the Block Development Council (BDC) and Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) funds, the continuation and enhancement of the Special Development Package and State Sector funds in Ladakh UT, the provision of a special package for drought mitigation, and the renovation of the Iqbal Hydro-Electric Project were some of the issues discussed in the meeting.

The meeting also covered other topics, such as airlifting passengers from Jammu and Srinagar, giving Project Vijayak instructions to continue clearing snow at Zoji-La Pass beyond Point Zero, completing the construction of the airport at Zanskar, creating a post of Executive Engineer for R&B Division for Zanskar subdivision, filling the vacant position of Block Development Officers (BDOs), the necessity of assigning additional responsibility for the sub-divisional magistrate, Shakar-Chiktan, to a qualified officer other than the tehsildar due to the latter’s workload, and the need to reexamine recent BDOs and sub-division officers.

The L-G emphasized the need of making sure that no school remains headless in addition to opposing unwarranted hiring, attaching teaching personnel, and doing away with the practice of pseudo-deploying instructors in classrooms. He promised to investigate the request for a solution to the teacher deployment problem at the council level.

In response to a question about the release of CCDF money in the form of grand in-aid along the lines of MPLADS and BDC funding, the L-G stated he would investigate the situation and requested that both councils submit plans for offering recipients subsidies. Additionally, the L-G requested that the Advisor to the L-G maintain sufficient cash to provide land compensation.

Additionally, the L-G requested that the two hill councils list the roads in need of repair and rank the ones that needed to be fixed right now.

In order to help those impacted by floods and other natural disasters, he also requested that the PWD Secretary resurrect the flood control plan. He asked the relevant departmental secretary to investigate the potential of raising the affected parties’ compensation amount and to find out more about the short- and long-term strategies and elements of Ladakh’s drought management plan.

In response to CEC Leh’s worry about cervical cancer vaccination for girls between the ages of 9 and 14, the LG gave the Director of Health Services instructions to make sure that all girls in that age range had their cervical cancer immunization.

The Ladakhi people who were stuck in Jammu and Srinagar were promised airlifts by the India Air Force, a demand that the L-G promised to pursue. Additionally, he promised to supervise the Project Engineers of Project Beacon and Project Vijayak with reference to clearing snow at Zoji-La Pass.

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