Mayawati claims that the BSP would fight the LS elections alone and labels the NDA and INDIA coalitions as anti-Dalit

BSP leader Mayawati said on Wednesday that her party would run unopposed in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections as well as in the elections for the state legislatures in Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh.

Mayawati stated in a statement that the BSP was ready to collaborating with regional parties in Punjab and Haryana as long as they had no links to either the NDA, the government coalition, or the newly formed opposition coalition, “INDIA.”

The former chief minister of Uttar Pradesh attacked both the NDA and the recently formed opposition alliance, saying neither was supportive of the Dalits and other downtrodden groups.

While the BJP-led NDA and the Congress-led INDIA coalition were fortifying their positions, Mayawati said that the BSP was also conducting secret meetings of party members all throughout the nation. Because the Congress embraced a “casteist mindset and ignored their demands,” she said, the underprivileged classes must support the BSP.

“The need to form the BSP would not have arisen,” Mayawati said, “had the Congress put aside its casteist and capitalist mindset, worked towards the welfare of the poor and the oppressed, and listened to B R Ambedkar.”

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