Priyanka Gandhi Questions Economic Inequality in the Face of Rapid Growth and Critiques the BJP Government

The BJP-led Centre has come under fire from renowned Congresswoman Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, who questioned why the country’s economy is expanding so quickly yet people haven’t benefited.

During her first Lok Sabha election rally in Punjab, where she was supporting Amar Singh, the Congress candidate from Fatehgarh Sahib, Gandhi attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that he uses hollow promises and deceptive language to gain power.

She refuted the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) charge that the Congress is anti-Hindu at a different Chandigarh rally, stating that the foundation of her party’s beliefs is found in the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. These teachings, according to her, promote nonviolence, peace, love, and truth.

The general secretary of the Congress begged the people of Fatehgarh Sahib to ensure Singh’s victory in the forthcoming June 1 elections. She attacked the Modi government, claiming that the country’s youth unemployment rate had risen to an astounding 70 crore, the highest in 45 years. Gandhi emphasized that there are approximately 30 lakh open posts in government agencies.

“He (Modi) asserts boldly that the economy is expanding quickly. Why is there no development in the lives of you (the people) if the nation is really experiencing growth and is developing at such a rapid pace? Why did your kids not land a job? “Why has there been such a spike in inflation? Why are the steel industries closing here if the nation is developing? Why has the Goods and Services Tax (GST) been imposed, weakening the industry? Gandhi questioned the assembly.

Gandhi said that there is no popular respect in the BJP. They avoid discussing your issues. They don’t disclose the steps they are taking to reduce unemployment and control inflation. Why women in Punjab feel unsafe is not mentioned. She continued, saying that only the Congress discusses topics pertaining to the people, adding, “They do not say why the drugs problem has become so serious here.”

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