Trash is an eyesore along the skywalk

A TON of trash is being dumped in the little area beside the recently built Chhota Shimla skywalk, which is partially accessible to commuters. The trash is a nuisance close to the new skywalk and unnecessarily contaminates the area. It has been a very long time since the rubbish that was dumped here was removed. The relevant authorities should make sure that no trash is dumped there and penalize violators.

Risky diversion

The four-lane road between Shimla and Kalka has far too many detours. A person might easily miss a diversion and remain in the “incorrect” lane if they are not vigilant at all times. This is risky since it gives the appearance that there won’t be any vehicles traveling in the other direction on the “one-way” portion to those traveling along the other side. Bold signs informing people of the impending diversions should be posted, and the relevant authorities should make sure that the number of diversions is kept to a minimum.

tainted water for drinking

Concerns about illnesses spreading among the populace have been sparked by the supply of tainted drinking water that residents of the Rohru villages of Samoli and Majhgaon are getting. The water is unfit to drink because it includes silt. The government have to investigate the situation and guarantee that the villagers have access to safe drinking water.

What our readers have to say

Do you find a civic problem bothersome? Are you upset by their lack of interest? Do you think there’s anything encouraging that should be emphasized? or a photo that, in your view, should be seen by more people than just you?

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