Exam Shocker for UP! Pharma Students Pass Exam After Putting Cricket Players’ Names and “Jai Shree Ram” on Answer Sheet

A lecturer at Uttar Pradesh’s Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University has drawn a lot of criticism for giving D.Pharm students’ test scores despite their writing “Jai Shree Ram,” cricket players’ names, and other useless material. After two student leaders, Uddeshya and Divyanshu Singh, filed a Right to Information (RTI) stating that students had paid professors to pass them, the issue gained attention. According to an Aaj Tak report, they also filed a complaint with Raj Bhavan and sent an affidavit with it.

The university administration formed a committee to investigate into the situation after Raj Bhavan launched an inquiry on December 21, 2023. Significant variations in the grades given to students were found when test papers were reevaluated by outside experts. For example, the identical articles that received scores of 52 and 34 from internal academics received just zero and four points from external reviewers.

Vice-chancellor Vandana Singh fired two academics, Vinay Varma and Ashish Gupta, in response to this disparity.

Arun Bothra, an Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, had already expressed concerns on the microblogging site X, now known as Twitter. He claimed that a student had hidden money and a request for passing grades inside an answer sheet. A photo of the annotations within the answer sheet was also provided by him.

A teacher submitted this picture. Students requested passing scores for these notes, which they put inside their board exam answer papers. Bothra noted in his article on X, “It tells a lot about our students, teachers, and the entire educational system.”

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