A man in the UK survives a bite from a poisonous insect and finds 500 widow spiders living in his home

Ivan Savage, a guy from the UK, was shot in the right elbow without warning. He awoke many days later in the hospital and battled for his life. The 60-year-old Slough, Berkshire, personal trainer who was bitten by a venomous spider in his own home is thankful to be alive. He observed that several varieties of these harmful insects were scattered around his property, which he subsequently learned was the “perfect breeding ground” for widow spiders, which had swamped southern England. Almost 500 spiders were discovered in his home. Ivan felt a sting on his arm one evening in August of last year; it is now thought to be the catches of a Noble False Widow. Before it was driven away, the spider climbed up his arm and bit his hand once again.

After a short while, Ivan started to feel really uneasy. He called 999 for help and passed out on his living room floor. Ivan had sepsis after being brought to the emergency department, and since the poison had “spread into the body,” the doctors thought about amputating his limb.

“I began to have unease. My bones felt like they were freezing, even though I was sweating. I saw objects in my peripheral vision. I was in really bad shape pretty fast. Upon contacting the paramedics, they advised me to open the door in case I fainted. The rescue crew arrived before I knew it, and the next thing I knew, I was in the hospital,” he said.

Ivan spent three days unconscious in the critical care unit of Wexham Park Hospital in Slough after his admission. Ivan developed sepsis while in the hospital and had surgery to remove the dead tissue from his hand. Thankfully, Ivan’s arm didn’t break. Ivan’s hand was horribly photographed, with pus-filled, red, and painful. The surgeons had removed the poisoned tissue, leaving a huge hole in it. Ivan spent two weeks in the hospital, and during that time, his home was thoroughly cleaned using chemicals to get rid of more spiders. During a “biohazard detoxification,” the pest control company allegedly discovered phony wolf spiders in the home as well as a nest of “500 false widows” concealed under a window sill. Ivan believes that his home’s proximity to a river makes it the “ideal breeding place.”

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