Man reveals Wife’s Pregnancy at ‘Attention Seeker’ Brother’s Wedding as Payback

When someone else is receiving all the attention, attention seekers often struggle and try in vain to steal the show. On the day of the wedding, the bride and groom are usually the center of attention—and deservedly so. However, one Reddit member chose to draw attention to himself during his brother’s wedding by revealing the news of his wife’s pregnancy, and the internet has praised him for it. You’ll be stunned to learn why he made the choice he did.

As they say, “revenge is best served cold,” and the brother of this groom certainly served it cold. The Reddit poster that revealed his wife’s pregnancy as a retaliatory move at his brother’s wedding is receiving a ton of acclaim. After his brother had prearranged a proposal to his then-girlfriend, he came up with this scheme. even when it’s being urged not to be done and is distracting. To their mother’s amazement, the brother did, in fact, drop the question at the ceremony. The Reddit user’s mother also threatened to leave, despite his desire to “kick out” his sibling. This infuriated him on the inside.

At last, the Reddit user realized that it was time to repay his brother’s wedding favor. “Instead of a welcome to the family toast, I used the time to announce that we were expecting our first baby,” he wrote on the site. His mother was furious about this and was going to chastise him in front of the whole family when his grandmother intervened.

His mother was told to “sit down and shut up” by his grandmother. He said that they spent the most of the wedding reception catching up with relatives they wouldn’t be seeing for a long time. His mother, meanwhile, was upset with him for allegedly “taking attention away” from her brother on the day of his wedding. Remarkably, she became upset when the Reddit user reminded her that she had threatened to back out of their wedding if he ejected his brother, who was allegedly seeking limelight, from his girlfriend’s proposal.

The Reddit user was praised in the comment section. “It’s blatantly obvious which one of you is the golden child,” someone said. Well done, grandmother, for putting an end to Mom. “Well done,” wrote someone else. As they say, “What goes around, comes around.” Another said, “Grandma was the queen.”

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