There’s a catch: a UK woman asks TikTok users to help her pay her bills

Online, a lady has been pleading with strangers for assistance. Chloe, a UK lady, has been pleading with strangers on social media to assist her with bill payments. Chloe said on social media that she needed assistance earning more money. She said, “I need your help to pay my bills.” Online users question why she is pleading with strangers for cash. She said that her family had been placed in a tough circumstance and that their sole source of income for putting food on the table was her TikTok account. She continued by explaining that they relocated to a nicer neighborhood 200 miles from their old house since it was a better environment to raise a kid following the birth of their son Tristan. This meant Josh, Chloe’s spouse, would have to move, which would have resulted in a significant salary reduction.

“I apologize for asking, but this is how you can assist me,” Chloe stated. “However, things have become worse since Josh just received a letter informing him that he could lose his job. I’m now under extreme stress. Everyone else works, so I don’t have any assistance with childcare, and even if I could, I’m not sure whether I could actually afford to enroll him in a decent daycare.

But the lady made it clear that she doesn’t need payment from her audience. She thus urged viewers to engage with her material as much as possible in order for her to be compensated by the TikTok Creators Fund.

According to a TikTok official, “The amount of money each creator can make is determined by a number of factors, such as the quantity and validity of views, the degree of interaction with the content, and making sure the content complies with our community guidelines and terms of service.” Additionally, no two artists or videos are identical, and TikTok will promote a wide range of content types via its fund.

The quantity of material uploaded determines how much of the Creator Fund is awarded each day and is contingent upon the quantity of films posted by the community on that particular day.

Chloe continued, saying, “Any kind of like, comment, share, repost, or even a cheeky follow will result in my content appearing on FYP again, and more people will see me] every time you see my content on FYP (For You Page).”

Since then, the video she shared on her @newtomumclub account has received over 500,000 views and 90,000 likes. The lady had greater interaction and more income since others responded to her remarks promptly.

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