This occurred after a Peruvian woman ate pork rinds and bit onto a metal nail

When a 68-year-old Peruvian lady called Celia Trello consumed a bag of pork rinds—pig skin that has been crisped, aerated, and snack-like—she felt quite sick. Trello claimed to have felt something sharp strike her neck at dinner, according to The Mirror. She first believed it to be a bone, but she quickly started throwing up blood and was very sick.

When medical professionals realized that Celia had eaten a metal nail and that it was puncturing one of her carotid arteries, they brought her to the emergency room. This artery aids in the brain’s blood and oxygen flow. Each carotid artery on each side of the neck is present in humans. Up to one-third of strokes are caused by carotid artery disease. A stroke results from a blockage of blood supply to the brain, which damages the brain.

Celia Trello said, “I felt sick and I came here because I thought I had a bone in my throat; it never crossed my mind that I had this nail or piece of wire,” in an interview with ABS-CBN News. Surgeon Diego Cuipal described the meticulous job his team of surgeons did to save the Peruvian woman’s life. He said we found the nail, a metallic item, puncturing the artery. According to the surgeon, the dissection had to be done carefully since there was a chance of releasing a clot that may have gone to the brain. After the dissection, the surgeons were able to cut off the damaged portion and repair it. After the procedure, a healthy artery was joined to another healthy artery. Celia is now completely well.

There have also been other reports of similar situations when consumers found nails in their sausages. In 2018, a guy called Anek inadvertently consumed a fingernail that was discovered in his Burger King burger. Anek ended up throwing up three times, which he revealed to a portal called Fox 8. A Massachusetts Chipotle patron is said to have broken his teeth in 2019 after biting on a nail in his burrito, a typical cylindrical dish of Mexican and American origins.

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