Filmmaker Saket Saurabh believes the future of the Bhojpuri film industry is bright

Renowned director of photography Saket Saurabh discussed his views on the Bhojpuri film business. He just won the Best Cinematography prize for the motion picture “Surveillance.” Despite not having a filming background, he has worked with several well-known filmmakers and performers over the years to establish himself as a skilled cameraman.

“Bhojpuri movies have become popular with their own fanbase, but they’re struggling because big-budget mainstream films are overshadowing them,” Saket Saurabh stated in an interview with the media regarding Bhojpuri cinema.We are aware of the issues they deal with, including prejudices, a dearth of producers, and a scarcity of qualified professionals. Nonetheless, there are still excellent authors, directors, and performers producing a variety of films. In an effort to revive Bhojpuri cinema, a number of up-and-coming directors are ushering in a new chapter.”

“The Bhojpuri film business seems to be developing and expanding in a number of ways. Owing to the emergence of digital platforms and the growing transnational nature of entertainment, many movies may find a larger audience outside of their original territories. Additionally, we can anticipate seeing more varied and excellent material emerge from the Bhojpuri business as younger directors continue to experiment and push limits. Every film business has obstacles, but I think the Bhojpuri film industry, driven by talent and innovation, has a bright future ahead of it “, he said.

What theme would he choose to direct a Bhojpuri movie, if given the chance? “That’s a very interesting question,” he said. Few people are aware that I started my career with the extremely experimental Bhojpuri movie “Naya Pata,” which was made possible via crowdsourcing and distributed by PVR Cinemas. I’ve seen that migration is a major problem in this area in the past, and I want to create a movie that examines the suffering that migrant workers go through.”

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