The impact of “Scenes from a Marriage” on Jessica Chastain and Oscar Isaac’s friendship

Since they played the main characters in “Scenes from a Marriage,” an American television miniseries based from Ingmar Bergman’s 1973 Swedish masterpiece, actress Jessica Chastain and actor Oscar Isaac’s relationship has evolved.

A Most Violent Year, Ex Machina, and Inside Llewyn Davis were just a few of the films the two actors collaborated on after meeting at Julliard. Despite their years of friendship, Jessica (46) admitted that she needed “a little bit of a breather” from her “pal” after filming the demanding 2021 miniseries, according to aceshowbiz.com.


“I mean, ‘Scenes from a Marriage’ was very challenging. And even though I adore Oscar, the truth is that our friendship has never been the same. We’ll be OK, but after that, I thought, “I need a little bit of a break.” She reportedly said, “There was a lot of ‘I love you’ and ‘I hate you’ in that series,” according to Vanity Fair’s ‘Little Gold Men’ series.


Jessica, who is married to Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo and has two children, is appreciative of the ability to portray emotional anguish on television before returning to her house to have a “very quiet” existence.


But what I get to do brings me such delight, she said. A lot of catharsis occurs. Because I get to have these experiences, I believe I have the finest job in the whole world.


“They feel like mine and are so extraordinary. I have a fairly tranquil life, however. These torturous things are not necessary in my existence. I feel them via playing them, after which I return home and live calmly and peaceably.


The Academy Award-winning actress has said that she was concerned that “Scenes from a Marriage” might damage her relationship with Oscar.


We’ve known each other for more than half of our lives, she had previously said to the magazine “Total Film” in 2021. There is an inbuilt sense of trust.


But there’s also the impression that you can read someone’s thoughts when you know them so well. it is really revealing. When I was working on “Scenes from a Marriage,” there were several screenplay passages that really hit home for me because they made me reflect on former relationships, my upbringing, or aspects of being a woman. My reaction was extremely strong.


Oscar was able to detect when I was unbalanced from anything. And you know how to do that when you’re acting with someone and you want to make them laugh and you have a history together, right?


And you know how to harm them genuinely if you want to. As a result, it was a terrible experience for us. I used to tell my husband when I got home from work, “I don’t know if I could be friends with Oscar after this.” Because it became really unpleasant on set and pretty harsh between us. We were so invested in the characters, and we could see right through one other, too.

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