5 Arguments for Eating Sweet Potatoes Every Day | From Digestion to Diabetes

The changing of the seasons forces us to alter our eating habits and include foods that not only strengthen our immune systems but also help us feel warmer. As winter draws near, it’s that time of year when we indulge in savoring warm foods and beverages like corn and hot cocoa. A great way to keep track of your health as the seasons change is to include sweet potatoes in your diet. Here are some incredible health advantages of sweet potatoes that will convince you to include them into your everyday diet.

Sweet potato Health Benefits

1. Nutritional Profile

B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and zinc are all abundant in sweet potatoes. Additionally, the deep color of sweet potatoes is a result of natural substances called carotenoids. Carotenoids are antioxidants, therefore they have the ability to shield your cells from daily cellular damage, claims WebMD.

2. Management of Diabetes

Sweet potatoes include substances that are known to drastically reduce blood sugar levels. When cooked, sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, which implies that, in contrast to meals with a high glycemic index, they do not result in an increase in blood sugar levels.

3. Reduced Cancer Risk

Carotenoids found in sweet potatoes may reduce your chance of developing cancer, according to WebMD. Another natural substance called anthocyanin, which is abundant in purple sweet potatoes, may reduce your risk of developing colorectal cancer.

4. Weight Control

Sweet potatoes are a fantastic option for weight reduction since they are low in fat and a great source of fiber. They prevent hunger because the fiber in them keeps you feeling full for longer. Resistant starch is a particular form of fiber found in sweet potatoes.

5. Eye Care

According to WebMD, sweet potatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which may reduce your risk of developing glaucoma, the most frequent cause of eyesight loss.


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