Does your body tolerate protein powder well?

Toxins have been found in protein powder samples studied recently in India; some labels provide false information.

The study discovered that incorrect protein information was given by 70% of the 36 protein powder supplements that were looked at.
About 14% of plant-based protein samples included dangerous aflatoxins from fungi.
8% of the samples had pesticide residues.
Thorium and mercury were not found in any of the protein powders, according to heavy metal tests. The examined samples included traces of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and copper (an analysis published in the journal Medicine). A report was made public during the first week of April.

Soybeans, peas, rice, potatoes, eggs, and milk are high-protein food sources that are used to make protein powder or supplements.

They often include thickeners, artificial flavorings, and extra sugar. Protein powder is used by weight trainers and as a dietary supplement to help develop muscle.
a premium protein that is made from milk and used in the production of cheese. It has every important amino acid that the body needs but is unable to create on its own. Because of its quick absorption and capacity to support muscle development and repair, it is well-liked by athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness fanatics. Depending on the manufacturer and brand, the protein level might range from 30% to 90%.
A variety of nutritional advantages are provided by protein powder, such as increased immunity, increased muscle mass, assistance for weight reduction, and tissue regeneration during sickness. Pregnant and nursing women may benefit from protein supplements, but before taking whey protein—a protein found in milk—they should see a doctor.

Precautions to take prior to beginning protein powder use
To determine your current health status before beginning, speak with your physician or dietician.
Observe the suggested dose. Select companies that are renowned for their high quality and openness when acquiring materials.
Pay attention to possible allergies, including gluten, soy, and dairy (whey or casein). Eat a varied range of nutrient-dense foods, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, legumes, nuts, and seeds, as well as dairy and plant-based protein sources, to ensure a balanced diet.

Food sources are usually preferable to protein powders for protein consumption, as, if not used under supervision, protein powder may result in bloating, nausea, and stomach problems. Protein powder use should be avoided by those with renal and liver disorders. Nutritionist Muskan Soni

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