Is 10,000 Steps a Day Sufficient to Lose Weight? Physician Enumerates Health Advantages

You may burn calories and increase physical activity by walking 10,000 steps a day. Did you know that? This goal is often recommended since it is consistent with the basic guidelines for daily activity. Regular walking helps you achieve a calorie deficit—a condition in which you burn more calories than you consume—which promotes weight reduction. Walking also improves metabolism, fortifies the heart, and could aid in fat loss.

However, this technique’s effectiveness is also influenced by other factors, like as metabolism, diet, and lifestyle decisions. Walking is a healthy lifestyle choice, but it may help you lose weight more effectively if you combine it with other physical activity and a balanced diet.

Dr. Vineet Arora, the Director of Diabetology and Internal Medicine at Max Super Speciality Hospital in Shalimar Bagh, discussed the advantages of walking with Jagran English in an exclusive interview.

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Dr. Vineet states that “walking is a great strategy to maintain or improve general health. Walking for only 30 minutes a day may enhance muscular power and endurance, strengthen bones, lower body fat, and promote cardiovascular fitness. Walking is one acceptable kind of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, with a weekly minimum of 151 minutes suggested by a frequently accepted recommendation. This is equivalent to walking briskly for around 29 to 30 minutes at least five days a week.”

Furthermore, he said, “It’s important to wear comfortable shoes with the right arch and heel support while walking since the improper shoe or gait may lead to blisters, soft tissue injuries, and soreness in the shins or feet. In order to lessen the impact, you should also walk on grass rather than concrete whenever you can, and make sure your heel strikes the ground before your toes.”

Can You Lose Weight By Walking 10,000 Steps a Day? (Image Credit: Freepik)

Additionally, Dr. Vineet said, “Achieving health benefits requires 10,000 steps or more to be completed each day.” As a result, it’s a good idea to wear a pedometer to track your steps as well, as this will encourage you to continue walking regularly.”

Walking counts as weight-bearing exercise if you are carrying your own body weight, and it has many advantages:

enhances the health of the heart and lungs (cardiovascular and pulmonary).

reduces the chance of stroke and heart disease.

helps with the treatment of diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), high cholesterol, and stiffness or soreness in the joints and muscles.

increase bone strength, improve balance, and lower the risk of osteoporosis.

improves the endurance and strength of muscles.

aids in the loss of body fat.

Walking is a low-impact workout that is easy on the joints and suitable for people of all fitness levels.

There is also a correlation between walking and better sleep.

Walking is a social activity that promotes interpersonal relationships. It may be done in groups or on walks with friends and family.

It lessens weariness and increases vitality levels.

In addition, walking boosts mood, lowers the risk of anxiety and melancholy, sharpens the mind, and eases tension. As a result, it generally aids in preserving mental wellness.


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