Treatments for Cough and Cold in Ayurveda

The traditional Indian medical system known as Ayurveda has a plethora of all-natural treatments for conditions including the common cold and cough. These treatments have withstood the test of time and still provide relief to millions of people across the globe. We’ll look at five tried-and-true Ayurvedic remedies for cough and cold in this post to assist you efficiently treat these annoying conditions.

Recognizing Ayurveda

It’s crucial to comprehend the fundamentals of Ayurveda before diving into the treatments. The goal of Ayurveda is to balance the body’s three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. A variety of health problems, including respiratory disorders like a cough and cold, may result from imbalances in these doshas.

Holy Basil Tea or Tulsi

Tulsi tea is one of the most popular Ayurvedic treatments for colds and coughs. Holy basil, commonly known as tulsi, has strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It strengthens the immune system, relieves congestion, and soothes sore throats. Follow these instructions to make Tulsi tea:

scald water.

A few fresh Tulsi leaves should be added.

For 10 to 15 minutes, simmer.

For additional advantages, strain and add honey.

Honey and Ginger

When it comes to maintaining respiratory health, ginger is yet another Ayurvedic powerhouse. Its inherently antimicrobial qualities may help relieve cold symptoms. A potent elixir is produced when ginger and honey are combined:

fresh ginger, grated.

Blend with some honey.

For relief, take a spoonful of this combination twice day.

Using eucalyptus oil while inhaling steam

Eucalyptus oil steam inhalation may help open blocked nasal passages and reduce congestion. This is how you do it:

Large kettle of water is boiling.

Drops of eucalyptus oil may be added.

For five to ten minutes, wrap a towel over your head and breathe in the steam.

The Trikatu Churna

Black pepper, long pepper, and ginger are three strong spices that make up the Trikatu Churna, an Ayurvedic concoction. It improves metabolism, assists with digestion, and may lessen cold symptoms. Trikatu Churna usage:

Add a little amount of Trikatu Churna to the honey.

Take it before meals to improve digestion and stave against the flu.

Pepper and Jaggery

A blend of jaggery and pepper is a simple yet powerful Ayurvedic treatment. A persistent cough may be relieved by this mixture:

Grab a little bit of jaggery.

Season it with black pepper.

Chew on this combination to reduce coughing and soothe the throat.

Precaution Is Crucial

To avoid reoccurring coughs and colds, it’s essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle and dietary practices in addition to these Ayurvedic therapies. The likelihood of being sick may be considerably decreased by drinking enough of water, getting adequate sleep, and avoiding places that are chilly or wet.

Cough and colds may be treated holistically with Ayurveda by addressing the underlying causes and using natural treatments that enhance overall health. You may get comfort and preserve excellent health by incorporating these tried-and-true Ayurvedic treatments into your daily practice.


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