Strategies for Preventing Cervical Cancer

One common disease that affects the cervix, or lower section of the uterus, is cervical cancer. Prolonged infection with certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the main cause of it. Early identification and prevention are critical since cervical cancer frequently grows slowly, with precancerous alterations visible via Pap smears. Abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic discomfort, and pain during sexual activity are possible symptoms.


The Director and Unit Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department is Dr. Pooja Mehta.

Women may avoid cervical cancer by adopting the following lifestyle modifications, according to Marengo Asia Hospital in Gurugram:

Give up smoking.
Among other health benefits, butt kicks may strengthen immunity and lower the risk of cervical cancer and other diseases.

Engage in regular exercise
Frequent exercise helps strengthen the immune system, mood, and energy levels. Regular exercise may help cancer patients cope with the stress of their disease and its treatment. Indeed, a number of studies have shown that cancer patients who regularly exercise may significantly enhance their physical and emotional well-being during all stages of therapy.

Steer clear of birth control tablets.
Frequently washing your hands or using hand sanitizer may lower your risk of illness. Steer clear of birth control tablets since they are linked to a higher risk of cervical cancer.

Steer clear of several sexual partners.
Those who have more sexual partners are more likely to be exposed to HPV, which puts women who often have many partners at risk of developing cervical cancer. For this reason, using safe sexual techniques is always advised.

Frequent screening or pap smear
It is recommended to have regular HPV screenings and liquid-based cytology beyond the age of thirty. Cervical cancer may be detected early or prevented with the use of the Pap test and HPV test.

Modify your diet
Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and healthful foods to lower your chance of developing cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is more likely to strike obese women. Cervical cancer is more common in women whose diets are poor in fruits and vegetables.

Even though cervical cancer may affect anybody at any age, it’s important to be vigilant of physical changes and report anomalies as soon as you see them.

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