Uncontrolled Blood Sugar: 5 Ways Lack of Sleep Makes Diabetes Severe

Diabetes is a medical disorder characterized by improper insulin production by the body. The blood becomes too glucose-filled as a result. Diabetes types 1 and 2 are the most prevalent. Maintaining your blood sugar levels safely may help to lessen your symptoms.

The first step in managing diabetes is to alter one’s lifestyle. Doctors say that getting enough sleep is critical to controlling your blood sugar levels. For diabetics, sleep deprivation may have a negative indirect effect on blood sugar levels.

This Is How Sleep Deprivation Affects Blood Sugar Levels
Enhanced Resistance to Insulin: Insufficient sleep has been linked to increased insulin resistance, which impedes cells’ ability to react to insulin and efficiently control blood sugar levels. Over time, this may result in elevated blood sugar levels.

Increased Stress Hormones: Lack of sleep may cause the production of stress chemicals like cortisol, which can raise blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance may result from persistently high cortisol levels, which can make diabetes control more difficult.

Increased Cravings for Food: Sleep deprivation might cause you to feel less full after eating and increase your appetite the following day. This may cause one to grab for sweet and high-carb items, which will raise blood sugar levels even further.

Disrupted Circadian Rhythm: Sleep disorders may interfere with the body’s normal circadian rhythm, which can have an impact on a number of physiological functions, including the control of blood sugar. To keep blood sugar levels steady, sleep habits must be consistent.

Reduced Glucose Tolerance: Lack of sleep impairs the body’s capacity to control the metabolism of glucose. Unusual sleep habits might cause blood sugar to rise even after taking carbs.

According to studies, sleep deprivation reduces the body’s ability to use insulin, which results in insulin resistance and uncontrolled diabetes. Those with diabetes should maintain optimum blood sugar management and general health by adopting proper sleep hygiene.

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