Five Nutritious Drinks That Can Help With Constipation

Drinks That Are Good For Constipation: Digestion problems, including constipation, bloating, gallstones, diarrhea, and heartburn, among others, are caused by a combination of factors. In addition to several other variables, unhealthy lifestyles, an excessive intake of junk food, and inadequate hydration may all lead to digestive issues. One of the most common digestive problems is constipation, which is quite painful. Constipation may be eased by eating healthily, exercising often, and drinking plenty of water. The following is a list of nutritious juices that you may consume to relieve constipation and other digestive issues.

Water-Based Healthy Drinks for Constipation

Drinking plenty of water is the first thing you should do if you’re constipating. By encouraging proper digestion and movement throughout the stomach, drinking enough water may help to improve digestion. A minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water each day might help prevent constipation.

Water Chia Seeds

The right kind of fiber found in chia seeds helps to loosen stools and ease constipation. The quantity of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber improves digestion and lessens IBS symptoms.

Lemon-flavored Water

Due to their high vitamin C and citric acid content, lemons are a natural laxative for those with diarrhea, constipation, and other digestive problems. In addition to giving the body essential nutrients like vitamin C, drinking lemon water may help the body stay hydrated.

Juices made from fresh fruit

Fresh fruit juices might provide instant relief from constipation problems. Digestion may be aided by vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fats, and a host of other nutrients. The most popular juice for treating constipation is prune juice.


Another beverage that may ease constipation is coffee. Studies have shown that the acids in coffee raise the hormone gastrin levels, which cause your stomach to go into involuntary spasms in order to pass gas.

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