What Happens If You Work Out for More Than Two Hours? Learn From Professionals

More than two hours at the gym may have positive and bad effects, depending on a variety of factors such as your fitness objectives, degree of fitness, and exercise intensity. For bodybuilders or seasoned athletes aiming to meet certain fitness goals, prolonged exercise might be beneficial. It allows for more complete training, with different muscle groups receiving equal attention and enough time for aerobic exercise. However, excessive exercise for most individuals may lead to overtraining, tiredness, and an increased risk of injury.

Exercise’s quality and intensity are often more significant than its duration. It’s critical that you listen to your body, allow it time to recover, and keep up a balanced fitness regimen. Ultimately, whether or not going to the gym for more than two hours is good for you will depend on your specific fitness objectives and your ability to moderate your training to avoid overstretching and preserve overall wellness.

Fitness instructor, sports science professor, and TejasTeaches founder Dt. Tejas Rajaputhran spoke exclusively with Jagran English about the negative effects of working out for more than two hours per day.

“Gyms have become extensively popular with the rising concern about health and fitness,” Dt. Tejas said. Many people invest a lot of time in their gym exercises in an attempt to reach their fitness objectives. Even while some individuals may really want to enhance their health, this does not guarantee that their intentions will translate into the greatest possible health results. The possible drawbacks of spending more than two hours at the gym are examined in this article.”

Can Lead to Heart Overload: You may be very motivated to work out for two hours every day if you are a newbie who just made the decision to attend to the gym every day for your birthday. However, if you are in your 40s or older, this may place unnecessary strain on your heart. If you already have a cardiac ailment that strains your heart beyond its breaking point, this might become worse.

Acute Injuries: Less individuals get hurt since they are usually fresh at the start of their exercises and can concentrate on form and technique. Your exercise becomes longer, which wears you out psychologically and raises your risk of spraining a ligament or pulling a muscle.

Chronic Injuries: Strengthening occurs during rest, not during physical activity. You are basically tearing down your muscles at the gym. You will have a great deal of aches and pains as a result of microtears in your connective tissues if you continue to overwork your muscles without allowing your body adequate time to heal.

The Following Are Some Strategies To Avoid Overtraining:
Attend To Your Health: You may be overtrained if you are becoming ill regularly, having trouble falling asleep, or finding it difficult to stay energetic throughout the day. You may recuperate without suffering any negative effects if you quickly reduce the volume and intensity of your workout. However, if you persist in exerting yourself, you may ultimately develop overtraining syndrome, which may have detrimental effects on your health over time.

Keep an eye on Heart Rate Variability: Heart rate variability decreases even before overtraining, but immunity, sleep quality, and other factors decrease after overtraining. This allows you to lower the volume and intensity of your workout while allowing your body to rest.

Determine Volume and Intensity: The average training session consists of 15–25 sets. You may monitor the number of sets you are able to do consistently without developing signs of overtraining. It seems sense to stick to this range.

Finally, he said, “There are situations where going to the gym for more than two hours a day might be harmful. But pay attention to the volume rather than simply the number of hours. Spending two hours on your phone at the gym will result in “under-training,” not “over-training.” One to one and a half to two hours of vigorous exercise should be enough for most individuals. Finally, to maintain a safe and long-lasting fitness regimen, it is essential to exercise with good form, pay attention to one’s body, and seek expert supervision.”

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