Why vitamin D insufficiency is on the rise and possible lifestyle modifications

A lack of vitamin D may have a subtle negative impact on your physical and emotional well-being. Sunlight, eggs, vegetables, fatty fish, red meat, and other foods contain the sunshine vitamin, however there are more people becoming vitamin D deficient for a number of reasons. Surprising causes of Vitamin D insufficiency include staying inside all day, using excessive amounts of sunscreen, and avoiding fat. As you are aware, the body requires the vital vitamin for a number of processes, including the absorption of calcium, which has an immediate effect on bone health. Get your vitamin D levels evaluated if you are always tired and getting sick more often.
“Vitamin D has several health advantages. Our bodies naturally produce this after being exposed to UV-B rays from sunshine. One steroid hormone that is involved in bone development and metabolism is vitamin D. Between the kidney and liver, it is produced and transformed into its active form. Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin, it requires a fat-based medium to be transported and stored, according to Dr. Karthiyayini Amar Mahadevan, M.B.B.S., DNB, PGDDN (Developmental Neurology).

Why is vitamin D deficiency so common?

It’s possible that you don’t receive enough sunshine or that your liver or kidneys are unable to convert vitamin D into its active form if you have been diagnosed with a deficit.

The sun is the primary source of vitamin D, which the human body produces via solar synthesis. Numerous individuals are at risk of Vitamin D insufficiency as a result of staying inside and avoiding the sun.

“Those who would rather stay within in air-conditioned spaces are probably not going to go outside in the sun. The levels of vitamin D may be harmed. Another reason why this vitamin is not well obtained from sun exposure is that it should be used topically to prevent skin from darkening. Since fat is a nutrient that the body cannot absorb, vitamin D shortage may result from people’s full avoidance of fat. According to Dr. Mahadevan, children whose moms are deficient in Vitamin D will also suffer from it to the point that it impacts their metabolism and bone formation.

Common and less well-known signs of insufficient vitamin D

In addition to being absorbed from food, vitamin D is also generated in the skin by sunshine. The liver and kidneys transform this into its active metabolite. Calcium and phosphate are absorbed from the intestines only with the help of vitamin D.

“The most common signs of vitamin D insufficiency are osteomalacia in adults and rickets in youngsters. The lack of calcium in the bone causes it to become brittle and fragile in both of these situations. A vitamin D shortage may cause extreme weariness, weakened immunity, and an increased risk of illness. During the COVID epidemic, this vitamin was recommended as a way to boost immunity. Studies have shown a link between low vitamin D levels and depression. Additionally harmful is consuming too much vitamin D, according to Dr. Mahadevan.

Dietary recommendations and lifestyle tactics to address vitamin D insufficiency

There are two types of vitamin D: vitamin D2 obtained from plants, and vitamin D3 obtained from sunshine and animal diet. Food sources include cod liver, whole eggs, fortified milk, cereals, and fatty fish.


To get a suitable amount of Vitamin D, walking in the sun for ten to fifteen minutes is necessary, ideally between eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon.

Getting sun exposure may be facilitated by taking up gardening as a pastime or by regularly watering the plants.

A balanced diet that includes sources of Vitamin D will also assist in obtaining the dietary sources.

Performing Surya Namaskar might also assist you in obtaining the necessary sunshine.



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