Belgian guy exonerated of drunk driving when his body produced alcohol

A Belgian man who has a medical ailment that makes his body naturally generate alcohol has been found not guilty of driving while intoxicated.

A very uncommon disorder known as auto-brewery syndrome (ABS) causes the body to create alcohol as a result of elevated blood ethanol levels.

According to Anse Ghesquiere, the man’s attorney, there are just 20 confirmed cases of the illness worldwide.

The guy, whose name was withheld, is a brewery employee as well.

The individual had ABS, according to three medical professionals who evaluated him, Ms. Ghesquiere said.

The guy was cleared on Monday by the police court in Bruges.

According to Belgian media, the court made a point of stating that the defendant had not been drunk while making his decision.

Clinical scientist Lisa Florin of the Belgian hospital AZ Sint-Lucas claimed that while those with ABS generated the same kind of alcohol as alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages, they often experienced less of its consequences.

However, individuals with alcohol-related brain syndrome (ABS) may sometimes exhibit symptoms similar to those of intoxication, such as slurred speech, stumbling, loss of motor function, and dizziness.

People who use ABS may fail breathalyzer tests and face legal repercussions.

The uncommon illness, often referred to as gut fermentation syndrome, was first reported in Japan in the 1970s. It results from an abnormally elevated level of yeast in the stomach.

The mechanism by which yeast establishes colonies in the human intestine is still unknown to scientists. Nonetheless, it is believed that after an infection, yeast concentrations may become visible.

After it was found that a lady in upstate New York had ABS, her charges of driving while intoxicated were dropped in 2015.

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