Salwan Momika, an Iraqi guy who burnt the Quran many times in Sweden, was discovered dead: Reports

Stockholm: It has been claimed that an Iraqi guy who burned many Qurans in Sweden was discovered dead in Norway. Over the previous three years, Salwan Momika, 37, had organised many burnings and desecrations of the Islamic holy book in Sweden. Momika revealed to a journalist last week that he had been applying for asylum in adjacent Norway.

Salwan Sabah Matti Momika, an Islamic critic and exile from Iraq, was discovered dead in Norway. Momika was well-known for planning protests in Sweden during which he often set fire to the Koran in public,” Radio Genoa said on X.

Conflicting information
Later on, however, the same website said that the message announcing his death had been removed by the original author. “The tweet announcing Momika’s death, which received over a million impressions, was removed. In an update that was posted late, it said, “We are awaiting further information.

Videos of Momika’s controversial Quran burnings went viral throughout the globe, sparking outrage and condemnation in a number of Muslim countries and causing riots and instability throughout. Authorities in Sweden are now looking into him for allegedly inciting racial groupings in the country.

Momika is one of the factors, according to Expressen, that caused Sweden’s NATO membership, which was approved earlier this month, to be months behind schedule. His efforts garnered international attention, particularly in NATO member Turkey, which for a considerable amount of time denied Stockholm’s application to join the alliance.

In October, Momika’s residency permit was cancelled by Sweden’s immigration officials, who said he had submitted false information on his application and would be sent back to Iraq. But Momika said that if he were sent back to his home country, his life may be in jeopardy; thus, his deportation had been put on hold for security reasons. According to Swedish media, Momika received a residency visa in 2021. Momika was given a new temporary residency visa in relation to the deportation ruling from the previous year, but it expires on April 16, according to Expressen.

In Sweden and Denmark, two of the most liberal nations in the world that permit scathing criticism of religion in the name of free speech, anti-Islamic extremists have set fire to several copies of the Koran. However, desecrating the Koran, which many Muslims consider to be the authentic word of God, is a serious crime.

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