Six Mexican tourists on board the helicopter were killed in a crash in Nepal close to Mount Everest

According to police, a helicopter carrying Mexican tourists crashed on Tuesday in Nepal close to Mount Everest, killing all six persons inside. According to Basanta Bhattarai, the area’s top government official, the helicopter crashed in the Lamajura region, and all of the dead were found.

The pilot was Nepalese, and the five visitors were citizens of Mexico, according to a statement from the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal. Two men and three women from Mexico were present. The five Mexican fatalities were all related, according to Federico Salas, Mexico’s ambassador to India, who spoke to N+, a program on the Televisa network in Mexico.

Dr. Abril Sifuentes González, a resident in internal medicine, was one of those slain, according to a tweet from Mexico’s National Cancer Institute. Sifuentes shared a picture of herself in front of India’s Taj Mahal on Instagram a week earlier. The corpses were transported from the accident site to Kathmandu using two rescue aircraft. Before the remains are sent to family or, in the case of foreigners, to embassy authorities, doctors are supposed to conduct an autopsy.

On Tuesday morning, the airplane was on its way back to Kathmandu after transporting the visitors on a sightseeing excursion to the highest mountain in the world. What caused the accident was unclear. According to airport representative Sagar Kadel, the helicopter’s intended flight path had to be modified due to weather.

During the monsoon season and periods of severe rain, it is usual for planes to be delayed and their itineraries to be altered. With the start of the rainy season in May, the peak travel and climbing season came to an end. Now that the weather is uncertain and visibility is bad, it is less typical for tourists to fly to the mountains. (AP) RDT

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