Chanakya Niti: According to Acharya Chanakya, men shouldn’t wed these seven women

Chanakya Niti is a compilation of Chanakya’s sayings. It is an assortment of sayings and reflections by the esteemed Indian politician and educator, many of which provide wise counsel on leading a decent and productive life in the modern period. Chanakya was a pioneer in the fields of political science and economics. He also authored the Arthashastra, a text on economic policy, military strategy, and statecraft.

It is often known that Chanakya’s beliefs and teachings are insightful, practical, and provide a deep grasp of the human mind. According to Acharya Chanakya, men who don’t want to ruin their life should avoid getting married to certain types of women. Tell us more about it, please.

Men Shouldn’t Marry These 7 Types Of Women, Says Chanakya Niti

1. Beauty Without Intelligence

Men usually base their life partner selections more on a woman’s attractiveness than her brains. On the other hand, Chanakya advised men not to wed attractive but foolish women.

2. Rude And Obnoxious Woman

If a woman is rude, a man does not have to marry her. This even raises the possibility that she has stunning physical features. Such a lady, according to Chanakya, may mistreat her husband for the remainder of his life.

4. The Lie-Bearer

According to Chanakya, a woman who consistently tells falsehoods might potentially ruin the family because she would use the lies against her husband. For this reason, guys shouldn’t marry such women.

5. The Person Unable to Perform Household Tasks

According to Chanakya, a woman who is not skilled in household chores is unsuited for marriage. Some still think this way, despite the fact that it’s a controversial topic in today’s society.

6. Women From Unfavorable Families

Knowing a woman’s background is something Chanakya suggested doing before marrying her. If a girl’s family has a history of dysfunction, she is more likely to become a housebreaker.

7. A Negligent Woman

It is easy for a wicked woman to sever ties with her spouse due to her temperament. Consequently, a guy ought not marry a lady like that.

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