Examining The Close Relationship Between Mindfulness And Physical Health, An Expert Offers Their Opinion

Due to its many advantages for both physical and mental health, mindfulness is a practice that has its roots in age-old contemplative traditions. Being completely present and aware of the moment without prejudice or judgment is the core of mindfulness. Beyond its positive impacts on mental health, mindfulness is also known to have significant positive effects on physical health.

Most people tend to overlook that the status of their mental health constantly affects their physical health. This is only one of many important reasons why we should prioritize our mental health above everything else. But before doing so, it is crucial to understand the link between mental and physical health.

One of the main ways mindfulness affects physical health is through lowering stress, according to Ms. Chayya Singh Goel, Co-Head of Psychological Services, Mental Health & Behavioural Sciences section, Artemis Hospital. Stress hormones like cortisol are released in response to prolonged stress, and these chemicals may have a detrimental effect on the digestive system, immunological system, and cardiovascular system. Deep breathing and meditation are two mindfulness techniques that trigger the body’s relaxation response, which lowers cortisol levels and fosters a sense of peace and relaxation.

“Immune system function has been related to better mindfulness. Chronic stress impairs immunity, making people more prone to diseases and infections. Mindfulness boosts a strong immune response by lowering stress and fostering general wellbeing, better preparing the body to fend against viruses and sustain health, the author said.

Numerous studies have shown that using mindfulness-based therapies has been successful in addressing disorders associated with chronic pain. Pain is less emotionally and cognitively taxing when people learn to monitor pain sensations without responding adversely to them via the act and practice of it. By altering how people perceive pain, mindfulness improves people’s ability to manage chronic pain and their overall quality of life.

“Sleep plays a crucial role in physical health, affecting everything from immune function to cognitive performance,” said Ms. Chayya Singh Goel. It has been shown that mindfulness techniques may enhance sleep quality by relaxing the mind and lowering worry. A body that is well-rested is better able to regenerate and repair itself, promoting general physical health.

She continued by discussing the connection between mindfulness and weight management. “Mindful eating is a concept derived from mindfulness, which encourages people to pay full attention to their eating experience, savoring each bite, and recognizing hunger and fullness cues,” she stated. This strategy has shown potential in assisting with attempts to control weight and lowering inclinations toward binge eating, thereby improving physical health.

It should be mentioned that the effect of mindfulness on digestive health is a clear example of the mind-body link. Constant stress may cause digestive problems including indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Practices of mindfulness help people unwind and decrease stress, which aids in better digestion and lessens gastrointestinal pain.

Mindfulness makes a substantial contribution to physical health by lowering stress, boosting the immune system, controlling blood pressure, managing pain, increasing sleep quality, aiding weight loss, and encouraging digestive health.


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