Healthy Hair: How To Get And Keep Those Stunning Locks

Everyone aspires to have beautiful, wholesome hair. In actuality, one’s confidence and hair are often inversely correlated, and practically everyone aspires to have beautiful, healthy hair, regardless of desired length. In the modern world, individuals often lead unhealthy lifestyles and experience high levels of stress, which may have a negative influence on hair health. In addition to other problems, air pollution causes hair loss. But experts point out that a comprehensive approach is required for healthy hair and that utilizing cosmetics alone is insufficient. An aesthetic physician with a focus on hair health, Dr. Saru Singh, offers her knowledge and helpful advice on how to grow and maintain healthy hair.

How to Grow Healthy Hair and Maintenance Advice
Dr. Saru Singh discusses the several methods for keeping your hair healthy and lustrous.

1. Nourish From Within

A healthy physique is the basis for beautiful hair. One cannot overstate the value of a well-balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, and necessary fatty acids. Include foods like salmon, eggs, avocados, spinach, and almonds in your diet since they provide vital nutrients that support the development and health of your hair. Additionally, keep hydrated by consuming enough water each day, advises Dr. Saru Singh.

2. Gentle Cleansing and Conditioning

Dr. Saru Singh suggests using hair care products that are made particularly for your hair type. Use gentle shampoo and conditioner to clean the hair without removing its natural oils. While washing, gently massage the scalp to increase blood flow and encourage strong hair growth.

3. Avoid Heat Damage

Extra heat style may cause hair to become brittle and damaged. “Use hot appliances like straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers as little as possible. Use the lowest heat setting and, if required, spray on a heat protectant before style. Accept natural hairstyles and frequently give your hair a heat break, advises Dr. Singh.

4. Guard Your Hair Against UV Rays

Our hair may get sun-damaged just as our skin can. Dr. Saru Singh suggests applying a UV-protective hair serum or spray while spending extended amounts of time in the sun. This stops the strands from drying out and getting brittle while also preventing hair color loss.

5. Be Gentle With Wet Hair

Handle wet hair carefully as it is more prone to harm. Starting at the ends and working your way up, Dr. Saru Singh advises using a wide-toothed comb or a detangling brush to gently eliminate knots. Towel drying too quickly may lead hair breakage and frizz. Instead, carefully wipe any extra moisture with a soft microfiber towel or an old t-shirt.

6. Have regular haircuts

Hair has to be cut often to be healthy. In order to eliminate split ends and stop them from moving up the hair shaft, schedule a trim every 6 to 8 weeks. According to Dr. Singh, this method promotes overall hair health while helping to preserve hair length.

7. Lessen Tension

Hair loss and other problems with the hair may be exacerbated by stress. Dr. Singh emphasizes the value of stress management via breathing exercises, physical activity, and self-care. Integrating practices like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise may help maintain a healthy mind and body, which will benefit the health of your hair.

“To achieve and maintain healthy hair, one must adopt a comprehensive strategy that takes into account good diet, mild hair care techniques, and general wellbeing. Accept these suggestions and include them into your everyday hair care practice. You may discover the keys to having healthy, gorgeous hair that exudes confidence and raises your general self-esteem by routinely adhering to a holistic hair care program, advises Dr. Saru Singh.

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