Manish Malhotra: The intention was to seamlessly incorporate Kashmiri craftsmanship into ordinary moments

Are you and Manish up for some mocha? Manish Malhotra, a maverick on a mission, has elevated the glamour of your coffee run. Question: How? In partnership with Starbucks India, the renowned designer created a selection of exclusive drinkware.

Manish Malhotra said to News18 in an interview that his goods elevates coffee-drinking experiences and adds a touch of luxury to people’s life. He also revealed that the merchandise is inspired by Kashmiri embroidery and his love of classic elegance.

Manish Malhotra sees the Starbucks partnership as a fun way to continue his creative path by giving him a fresh perspective and enabling him to incorporate design into his everyday life.

Takeaways from the conversation:

You wear a lot of gorgeous and artistic hats in the costume, jewelry, cosmetics, film director, and now merchandising industries. How do you maintain your enthusiasm, and what makes your partnership unique?

How was the process of making the lifestyle drinkware goods that was restricted to a single run?

Our goal in creating this line was to provide a touch of elegance and improve people’s coffee-drinking experiences. Making the limited-edition drinkware seemed to me like choosing an accessory. Every item echoes the spirit of my designs with a little of glitz.

We are aware that when you sit down to create, you like having your favorite hot cup by your side. Which design sensibility standards have you applied to the merchandise?

The products are a reflection of my passion for classic elegance and fine details. It is an essential component of the creative process since it captures the spirit of my design aesthetics.

What was the rationale for including Kashmir and its crafts, given their significant role in the design?

It was a conscious decision on my part to include Kashmir in the collection since it is very dear to me and represents both a personal connection and the essence of my brand. My goal in creating a signature collection for my partnership with Starbucks was to bring Kashmir’s beauty and craftsmanship into ordinary situations.

Why did you choose certain flower patterns with finely detailed inner petals?

The exquisite floral style used in Kashmiri embroidery, which is a tribute to the region’s centuries-old artistry, is inspired by the stunning natural surroundings and rich cultural legacy of the area. I decided to highlight these elaborate designs because I was inspired by the classic elegance of Kashmiri embroidery, which is a trademark of my company.

The color scheme honors the brand’s association with glamour, Manish Malhotra. For the drinkware, why did you decide on the colors deep red, black, white, and gold?

Gold conveys an air of luxury and timelessness, akin to the elaborate art and craft of Kashmir, while the other colors conjure up images of refinement and beauty, characteristics that are exclusive to the Manish Malhotra + Starbucks partnership.

In the world of fashion, sustainability is crucial. How have you incorporated it into your collection? Which item from the products, if you had to choose, would go best with a Bun Tikki?

The important thing is sustainability. Here, the collection takes an environmentally conscious stance that is consistent with modern ideals. Two reusable cups for daily use are included in the set as a nod to sustainability, bringing some flair to your regular cup of coffee. In terms of a favorite, I think every component goes well with a Bun Tikki.

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