YogMantra | Enjoy Doing Asana Practice? Here’s How to See Past Stress, Flexibility, and Beauty

Aren’t the main goals of yoga poses to improve flexibility, decrease stress, and get in shape?
One of the finest Yogis of the previous century and a medical doctor, Swami Sivananda, turns this notion of yoga on its head when he states, “All the Asanas are done to tone up the internal organs and tissues.”

Initially practicing medicine in British Malaya, Swami Sivananda also wrote extensively about health issues and published a medical magazine. In his mid-thirties, he gave up his medical job to pursue his goal of educating people about the body, mind, and soul. He established the Divine Life Society in 1936 and the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh in 1932 after a period of years of extreme austerities.

After experiencing the benefits of yoga, the pragmatic yogi said that “Hatha Yoga” was the most effective approach to achieving optimal health. “There are several physical workout regimens. Of all the systems, Hatha Yoga, which the ancient sages practiced and recommended, is the most exceptional and distinct. Organs, tissues, muscles, nerves, and brain are all toned and energized. He promises that all chronic illnesses have been eradicated.

Swami Sivananda was profoundly convinced that the world required strong, robust boys and girls, as well as excellent, healthy mothers. He authored more than 300 works on health, healing, yoga, and vedanta. These received great praise and had a significant global influence.

Specific Asanas have the ability to both prevent and eradicate ailments. These are expounded upon by Swami Sivananda in the poem “The Glory of Hatha Yoga”:

To banish all ailments, do the king of asanas, Sirshasana.

Combine workouts for forward and backward bending, and don’t forget about the spinal twist for complete growth.

Sarvangasana promotes the growth of the pelvic and thyroid organs.

The effects of Sarvangasana on the thyroid and pelvic organs are enhanced by Matsyasana.

Paschimottanasana reduces abdominal fat and aids with digestion.

Even poison may be digested by Mayurasana.

The spine may be made elastic using Ardha Matsyendrasana.

Constipation may be eliminated using Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, and Dhanurasana.

`Veerya’ (internal strength) is maintained by doing Shirshasana-Sarvangasana.

Muscles are relaxed in savasana.

The spine becomes elastic and flexible after halasana.

Drowsiness will vanish with Vajrasana.

Pranayama boosts the stomach fire and eradicates all illnesses.

Sitali Pranayama may cleanse the blood and chill the body and mind.

Asthma will go with Bhastrika Pranayama.

It just takes fifteen minutes a day to maintain your health, vitality, nerve power, physical strength, endearing demeanor, and longevity.

While Swami Sivananda does not discount other forms of physical exercise, he does advise against doing them right away after Yogic activities. This is so that the internal organs and tissues may be toned, since all of the asanas target these areas. Blood must thus be provided to such tissues and systems. However, the purpose of the physical activity is to tone the muscles. Thus, the muscles will get a flow of blood. In this instance, blood circulation is entirely opposite, negating the advantages of yogic yoga. Take a few minutes to recuperate after completing the yogic exercises before starting the physical activities.

Even while practicing Hatha Yoga may be beneficial, treatment is not the main objective. The primary aim of Hatha Yoga is self-realization, which requires a solid and healthy body and mind. In actuality, Ha-tha refers to the Yoga to balance the Sun and Moon (represented by the Pingala and Ida nadis, respectively) in order to awaken the kundalini, contrary to the common misconception that the term signifies obstinately persevering beyond one’s bounds.

A fit guy laughs and grins. He seems content and upbeat. He goes about his everyday business in a relaxed and easy manner. A guy in good health can work for extended periods of time without experiencing weariness. He is very efficient both mentally and physically.

A guy who is in good health sleeps well, digests his food properly, and has harmoniously functioning organs. The body temperature is normal, the breathing and pulse rates are in perfect harmony, and daily bowel movements are unhindered.

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