Partap Singh Bajwa: Polls conflict with the season for planting paddy

The Punjab Congress said on Wednesday that the BJP had a hidden agenda when it planned the province’s last round of parliamentary elections, intending to sabotage free and fair elections by abusing party and official apparatus.

Partap Singh Bajwa, the head of the Punjab CLP, said that the state has been maintained in the last phase of development despite the fact that it is aware that the rice cultivation season will peak around June 1 and should not be combined with the neighboring states of Haryana and Rajasthan. He said that because farmers have been protesting the BJP at the Haryana border, this is obviously an attempt to prevent them and agricultural laborers from casting ballots.

“To sabotage free and fair elections, the BJP will send party cadres, RSS cadres, and official apparatus into Punjab when it has been freed from other states. The saffron party’s disruptive elements will have an impact on the polls. They are determined to hurt Punjabis. The Leader of the Opposition said, “The farmers’ ongoing agitation is the recent provocation.”

He went on to say that Punjab was at risk from the recent remarks made by an RSS leader accusing farmers of inciting chaos and being separatists. In addition to working with federal authorities like the NIA, ED, and CBI, the BJP also used the RSS to discredit farmers. Bajwa said that the BJP will manipulate the polls because it knew that farmers will resist it in rural areas.


Opposition Leader Partap Singh Bajwa said that Punjab has been in the last stage of development despite the fact that it is aware that the rice cultivation season would peak around June 1. He opposed merging Punjab with neighboring states Haryana and Rajasthan. He said that because farmers have been protesting the BJP at the Haryana border, this is obviously an attempt to prevent them and agricultural laborers from casting ballots.

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