Six senior resident positions are open at PGIMER Oncology Department

Because of the growing number of patients, the PGIMER’s cancer department has asked for the establishment of six regular senior resident positions.

As a result, the newly established Department of Clinical Haematology and Medical Oncology includes six DM senior resident slots for DM clinical haematology, authorized by the Standing Academic Committee.

The Department of Clinical Hematology and Medical Oncology was established by the institute’s governing council in 2021. Even though the department didn’t get any more teachers or senior residents, it nonetheless started to operate. Nonetheless, in order to provide patients with cancer and hematological illnesses full care, the institution required the department to suggest expanding clinical hematology and medical oncology services.

At the moment, the department oversees around 48,000 patient visits a year. Patients with oncology and hematology may get both inpatient and outpatient care from the department. Patients are admitted to a number of wards, such as the emergency room, private ward, high dependency unit for haematology, BMT ward, and general medical ward.

Three junior residents, six senior residents, and six faculty members make up the department’s current workforce. The number of cancer patients seeking medical oncology treatment at the PGIMER has been steadily increasing, according to statistics from prior years.

The PGIMER projects that between 2011 and 2026, there will be a 58% rise in the number of cancer patients. According to the 2013 population-based cancer registry study, which was created by Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, and PGIMER, Chandigarh is ranked in the top three cities/regions for the incidence of cancer related to different organs. In fact, Chandigarh has even higher age-adjusted cancer incidence rates than New Delhi for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and breast cancer.

The suggestion states that there is an urgent need to upgrade and expand cancer care facilities and hire additional medical experts with training in the treatment of different diseases due to the sharp increase in cancer cases.

Since the opening of a new medical oncology clinic in August 2021, the PGIMER’s medical oncology services have grown quickly, with 173 new cases being registered in only two weeks. As a result of this momentum, the PGIMER anticipates enrolling 5,000–6,000 patients yearly initially, with the possibility of 8,000–10,000 in later years.

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